Home Improvement & Renovating

Transforming Your Front Door: A Guide to Painting Exterior Doors

Transforming Your Front Door: A Guide to Painting Exterior Doors

A fresh coat of paint on your front door is a great way to brighten up the exterior of your home! With this guide, it’s easy to give your door a fresh look. For more tips and advice for your project, be sure to visit McMynn Building Centre today!

Choosing a Style

Before you start painting your door, be sure to have a vision of what you’d like your door to look like. The first style decision is choosing a paint colour. Do you want to touch up any imperfections with your existing colour? Or, do you want to change your door’s colour? Choose a neutral colour for a sophisticated look, or get creative with a bold colour to make your home stand out.

Once you’ve selected a colour, it’s time to pick a finish: matte, gloss, or semi-gloss.

When choosing your paint ensure that it is designed for outdoor use, as this will withstand harsh weather conditions better than interior paint.

Last, decide what texture you’d like your door to have. Using a paint roller to apply your paint works well to achieve a smooth, soft look. If you prefer the hand-painted style, use a paintbrush instead to leave brush strokes in your paint.

How to Prepare Your Door

When you’re ready to start painting, you can take the door off the hinges or paint it in the doorframe. If you don’t have a screen door and are concerned about bugs entering your home while painting, you can leave the door on its hinges and keep it closed for most of the painting. If you find it easier to set your door on a flat surface for painting, use a screwdriver to remove it from the hinges.

Remove the handle and lock. Use your screwdriver to remove the screws from the hardware and take the doorknob out of your door. This is to prevent any paint drips from staining the door’s hardware.

Don’t forget to prepare your workspace too. If you’re painting your door in the doorframe or indoors, cover the floor to protect it from paint drips and dust from sanding. Set a tarp, old blanket, or old towel on the floor underneath your door for easy cleanup.

The next step is to clean and sand your door. Use a cloth and warm water to wipe down your door. You can add dish soap if the dirt is stubborn.

Use a sander and remove all paint from your door for a cleaner look. If you don’t have a sander, you can use sandpaper to remove only any scratches or bumps in your door. Painting a door that is completely sanded down will last longer than a door with only partial sanding. Once you are done sanding, dust and wipe down your door to ensure it is clean.

Tips for Long-lasting Results

If you are painting your door outside, ensure that the weather forecast predicts a mild couple of days. This gives enough time for the paint to dry thoroughly without wind or rain. Aggressive wind can blow dust and debris onto your door and create a rough surface. Rain or snow can leave splatters in your paint, leaving an uneven finish.

Once your door is prepped, apply a coat of primer. Be sure to cover the entire surface of your door and let dry completely before applying any paint. Use a paintbrush to apply the primer to any details or crevices on your door to be sure your door is thoroughly covered for long-lasting results.

Now it's time to apply paint to make your door look fresh and clean. Use a high-quality brush and a 4" mini roller for the best results. An angled paint brush is perfect for molding or edges. Follow with the roller to create a smooth finish.

Wait until your paint is completely dry to reinstall your door’s handle or put your door back on its hinges. This will avoid ruining your paint job.

It’s never been easier to make the exterior of your home stand out with a bright new look! The team at McMynn Building Centre is here to help you take on your project. Stop by today!

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